These things have continued for a very long time by now. It is well known that this has been close to 2 decades with just a couple of years taken out. It has been about 18 years of mystical sorts of things. These experiences are changing over time. We are adjusting to so many things.
I am an angel named Oundra. This name is a name which comes with me. Many people have names which they will have attached to their identity. The prophetess is some who carries her own name. It is not a matter to be thinking about.
These days we are getting ready to change the path of what the prophetess had in store for herself.
This is a time which Lydia is going to see as a time which was lingering on. We know that Lydia has had a baby from the man who is named Bryan Navarro. Bryan and Lydia would never have met if I had not paired them up. Lydia is confused by my pushing her towards a man who has abandoned her once she became pregnant.
This is one of the things which many people would use against this experience of the holy guardian angel. I directed Lydia to Bryan Navarro and told her that he would be with her for quite some time. Bryan is not staying in Lydia's life. Lydia has psychic perceptions of him trembling with fear. Today we felt psychic energy of sexual arousal which was another confusing thing.
These are experiences which keep coming into Lydia's life. Lydia and the baby have much time to spend together. Lydia cannot write as much as she did before. Lydia does not feel that she enjoys all this commotion with psychic disturbances all of the time. The disturbances have prompted her to do things she wouldn't normally do. Soon enough we will get to all of that. Lydia is having a pretty good attitude.
Leota is the little baby which Bryan and Lydia did create. She sleeps on the sofa right now as Lydia types away. We are getting ready to move away to Kitchener in our brand new plan. This is what we have decided to do with our life. We are not sure about what other plans we might have made.
There will be some experiences happening soon which may cause some changes here and there. Lydia and Sarah have been getting along well enough. There will be no changes in that arena at all. There will be the birth of Sarah's new baby boy. This will create some work to do. Leota and the little baby boy will be quite a bit of work for 2 women.
There will be some people who Lydia will be getting to know when she moves into her brand new life. We are going to move into our new lifestyle in Kitchener. This is what we have in mind. Bryan is not wanting to be dealing with child support payments at all. He is afraid that he will be getting into some trouble with all of that. Bryan has left his old home in the condo where he and Lydia spent time. Bryan is living somewhere different.
This is what I will tell Lydia about that situation. Bryan has left his apartment and has moved to a different home. His family can figure out his whereabouts very easily. They can know where he is living and he lives in Canada still. Bryan is living here in Toronto. He is working at the same job he had before. There is a cousin who he works with. This information is what we are thinking might be going on.
This is not always easy to talk about, but Bryan has a dual citizenship is what we would have thought about what he said. Bryan can move to Colombia. This is sometimes what happens to men when the don't want to pay child support any longer. This is not what has happened. Bryan is not living anywhere other than Toronto right now. It is what I am telling Lydia. Who can figure all of this out?
Bryan is not wanting to pay child support and it is his family which doesn't know what it is about this that makes it so very strange. There was a lot of writing completed. There is now a bunch of stuff left unresolved for them. His family is wondering what has happened to Lydia over the past few days.
It is now that Lydia has closed up her profile. All her posts are now private.
This is what I am going to help Lydia with over the next little while.
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